Everyone Will Love This Post

Here’s some writing advice: avoid using superlatives in a row. It makes you look bad, and casts doubt on other statements you make.

I just read the following from a respected (until now) agency: “Everybody in attendance loved the day, making it one of our most successful events.” Really… everyone? And they all loved it? Really? Did you poll all of them at the end, and they all used the word “love”? Come on, folks, admit it: you had an intern write this copy, and not a particularly talented one at that, and apparently you didn’t bother to proof the copy before you blasted it to my inbox.

It’s bad writing form to overstate your point, but to do it twice in one sentence makes you look really juvenile. Furthermore, since Web site visitors tend to judge an entire site based on just a few impressions, you risk losing any respect you might have gained — or hoped to gain.

Quality writing matters. Hire an expert if you can, and be very careful what goes out on your Web site or via e-mail.