Renewing Domain Names

Last night after hours I get a message from a client: “Hey, my domain name is expiring tomorrow. Can you take care of that for me? Thanks.”

Umm, thanks indeed. Thanks for missing the half-dozen or so messages that you’ve already received in the past month telling you that your domain is expiring soon. Thanks for waiting until the last minute, on a Friday, before getting off your duff on this issue. Thanks for assuming that I’d be happy to spend part of my Saturday saving your domain from oblivion. Thanks for all that.

This isn’t the first time that I’ve ranted about domain names. See and So I shouldn’t be surprised about things like this. And, of course, we got the problem solved. Perhaps that makes me an enabler.

So, rant over… now to the useful information: many domain registrars lock your domain in the weeks before it is due (for your protection, so they say…). If you want to switch your domain from one registrar to a different one, for example to consolidate several domains in one place, you can’t wait until the last minute.